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If you are new to the area or have been living there a while, you may be wondering what the best workouts in town are. The truth is, the ideal exercises for you actually depend largely on your physical size, general fitness, and age. For most fit adults, though, these 5 core exercises usually work best in improving health and fitness: Running. Running helps improve your endurance, which in turn helps make you more active. You should plan to run at least a couple of times a week, but if you want to pack on those extra pounds, you’ll definitely want to do more.


Push-ups are a crucial part of an effective workout for the abs. They are not only great upper body exercises (for biceps, triceps, forearms, etc. ), but they also strengthen and tone your core, helping you burn calories throughout the day. It is important to keep in mind, though, that push-ups are for your upper body and not your lower body; therefore, do not perform them if your goal is to lose weight. If you want to build lean muscle mass on your lower abs, however, doing push-ups is an excellent choice.

The final exercise, we’ll discuss here is the final leg of the aerobic exercise group: squats. Squats are a great low impact workout that build leg muscle (along with your core), but they are also good for your heart. Just like running, you really should perform this exercise in the late morning or early afternoon. As far as calories burned, this exercise really burns off a lot more than any other you could do. You should plan to do this exercise about three times a week, though, so that you don’t put too much pressure on your legs.