Do You Know What Makes Up a Good Workout?
Do You Know What Makes Up a Good Workout?
There is nothing more wonderful in life than completing a workout with family, friends or the outdoors. Completing a workout with your loved ones provides the immediate connection that creates balance, which in turn helps to build confidence. A workout is actually a triumph against procrastination and laziness. It’s the ticket to a winner – the proof of an individual who has taken personal responsibility of his or her, or his, future. A workout is also an investment in personal excellence and a smart use of time.
The term “complementary” refers to something used in addition to another thing. So, for instance, during a strength training exercise session, doing crunches or leg raises are recommended alongside the bench press. They are complementary muscle groups that complement each other. This also works to strengthen the bench press which will ultimately lead to better overall back health, mobility and functionality.
Another example is when doing squats is done before bench pressing. Squats are one of the best exercises for improving lower body strength. Not only do they improve mobility but they strengthen core muscles. To recap: while in a gym, doing a squat first thing, at least one minute in, is very important. As a matter of fact, if you are serious about strength training, it’s recommended that you take the time during your workout to focus on the position you’re in (standing on toes, squatting, etc.)