Examples of Gambling

Gambling is simply the wagering on something with an unknown outcome with the intention of winning something in return. It may also involve a combination of factors like the amount of money wagered, possibility of winning, number of participants, type of wager, rules involved, etc. Gambling therefore requires three factors to be present: risk, consideration, and a payoff. The risks that are involved in gambling can be categorized into two categories namely hazard and chance. For instance, a horse race is a hazard because in every race, there is a probable winner and loser. In order to lessen the risk of losing the race, you should train yourself to have good horse racing systems in place.


There are a few examples of legal gambling in the United States like lotteries in the state of New York, sales of lottery tickets and other lottery products, bingo, jackpot games, etc. The first lotteries to be recognized in the United States happened at the adoption of the Constitution. The second lotteries to be recognized happened with the application of Article IV of the Constitution which grants the states the power to regulate commerce. This means that if a state chooses to enact a law that allows gambling then it has to regulate gambling.

The third example of gambling can be seen in the forms of instant lotteries, progressive slot machines, bingo, etc. These forms of gambling are more likely to be recognized as legalized gambling activity in the eyes of the United States government. Instant lotteries are examples of progressive slot machines where a player might win a jackpot or he might get the option of purchasing more tickets. Bingo is another example of instant lotteries where a player might win a set number of bingo cards or he might get the option to purchase more cards. Lastly, scratch cards are yet another example of instant lotteries.