Gambling Addiction – What is an Addictive Gambling Addiction?


Gambling Addiction – What is an Addictive Gambling Addiction?

Gambling is the act of risking something of value for the intention of winning something else with the objective of winning some other thing of equal or greater value. Gambling therefore requires three essential elements to exist: risk, consideration, and a stake. In order to place your bets, you must consider what the cards may do, when they might do it, and where they may wind up. You also need to take into account the odds of a particular hand and the chances that any particular card might end up in a position where it has the maximum probability of landing that particular card.

With all of these factors considered, it becomes clear that a gambling addiction is much more than just an act of chance. The individual in question must have a certain amount of self-discipline as well as the willingness to lose. This willingness is essential because it is the individual who is placing their bets. They are the ones who know what cards they hold and which cards they are holding, and how to best make use of those cards in combination with other cards they may have in order to get the highest payoffs out of their gambling transactions. If they do not feel good about the way that they are gambling or if they are worried that they may be placing their bets in areas where they may be wrong, then they will not be able to maintain the discipline needed in order to continue gambling without getting into deeper problems.

While most forms of addictions can be successfully treated with therapy and/or medication, some form of addiction is inherent within the person that is placing their bets. This is the case with gambling addiction. Gambling addictions are much like other addictions in that they are based on an emotional need that is not really understood. It is not uncommon for people who gamble uncontrollably to develop addictions such as alcohol and drug abuse. In addition, gambling addicts may find themselves trying to explain away losses that they have incurred while gambling, as well as trying to convince themselves that it was all a game, when it clearly was not.