Lawn Tennis With a Twist


Lawn Tennis With a Twist

Tenis is a popular card game that originated in Italy in the 13th century, and which has since then spread across much of the European continent. This is a simple to learn and play game of chance, which makes it very popular amongst children. The most basic rules of the game are as follows:

For those who don’t know what tenis is: it is short for tenere, which means “tennis”. A player can either call or drop, click or toss. When a player drops, they are forced to sit out at the edge of their lawn tennis court for a count of one. If they click, they will be allowed to return to the lawn tennis court, and if they toss, they must return to the starting line (this counts as one point for that player). If they touch the wall during their turn, they are out.

Tenis is played by four players. Each player is dealt a deck of cards, two from each set of the sport of tennis (tennis and billiards). Then the players take turns, and the first player chooses which card they want to play with. The next player chooses the same card. The players then play a round of tennis, with the last person standing is the winner.