Renaissance Sports – Medieval Sports


Renaissance Sports – Medieval Sports

Sports can loosely be defined as any athletic activity which involves a level of physical activity, including tennis or basketball or volleyball. Most other sports involve some degree of team participation, for example track and field. In most sports, the playing time is a fixed duration, usually for a set period of time. Many people also play sports while watching their favorite television show. Some popular sports include soccer, American football, baseball and basketball.

In the modern age, sports have become so popular that they have even been exploited for commercial purposes. Numerous sports’ merchandise are available in sporting goods shops, both in the real world and online. Many people also wear sports apparel as a fashion statement. The modern sports apparel of today includes jerseys, shoes, helmets, caps and more. Sports items are often designed to enhance a specific sport or to promote a particular brand. One type of sports collectible is sports memorabilia.

Sports also served as a physical education and socialization. As previously mentioned, medieval times saw the beginnings of organized sports; this was usually the case with jousting, which was a competitive arena where two teams would try to knock each other out with a fiery, horseback-style battle. This type of sports also marked the beginning of organized religion. In fact, several Christian sects, most notably the Catholic Church, prohibited physical contact in order to encourage moral and religious values. Sports, both ancient and modern, have played roles in literature, especially during the renaissance periods where sports were largely played for recreation. Modern sports, both professional and amateur, continue to serve as a forum for social interaction and exercise.